Total Diet Replacement
Welcome to this @obsmuk twitter chat. Before we start it is important to firstly understand the terminology that we are going to be using within this Blog and during the twitter chat. Within the literature the terms very low ‘calorie’ and very low ‘energy’ have often been used interchangeably. As calories are units of energy; ‘energy’ should therefore be used. Formula diets are divided according to energy. Very low energy diets (VLED) provide <800kcal/day, whilst low energy diets (LED) provide between 800-1200kcal per day. When replacing a person's total daily dietary intake known as total diet replacement (TDR), or some meals, a partial diet replacement (PDR). Research predominately uses liquid diets including sachets of powder, which are reconstituted into shakes and soup. To simplify these terms, we use ‘formula diets’ to cover both very low energy (VLED) and low energy diets (LED). Formula diets have been around for a number of years and have evoked much heated deb...