Pre-bariatric surgery weight loss: Useful, Necessary, or a Waste of Time?
Pre-bariatric surgery weight loss: Useful, Necessary, or a Waste of Time? Bariatric Surgery is the most effective method of achieving sustained weight loss over the long term in patients with obesity when compared to lifestyle interventions and pharmacotherapy. Despite the strong evidence, from clinical studies and randomised controlled trials, of the benefits of bariatric surgery on weight and metabolism, access to bariatric surgery remains limited in many health care systems including the UK. In the UK, patients seeking bariatric surgery are mandated to go through tier 3 weight management services (typically community based, non-surgical weight management services) before referrals are made to tier 4 (i.e. bariatric surgery). Tier 3 is supposed to consist of a multidisciplinary team including but not limited to bariatric physicians, weight management dietitians, psychologists, specialist nurses and physiotherapists. There are several objectives of tier 3 services an...